Sunday 24 November 2013

FarPoint Spread 8.0.16

The world's best-selling spreadsheet COM component

When you need high-performance, fully-customizable spreadsheet/grid components, join professional developers around the world who consistently turn to FarPoint Spread for powerful, extendable spreadsheet solutions.

Unmatched Flexibility
With FarPoint Spread, you get unmatched flexibility at the cell level for maximum control over the display and entry of the data, plenty of events to respond to user changes, and an extensive list of built-in calculation functions. And you’re guaranteed a quick learning curve using the Spread Designer, a design-time tool with a point-and-click interface.

Exceeds Grids
When the simple grid does not meet your needs, use FarPoint Spread, the control that far exceeds the grid capabilities. Find calculation accuracy and data scalability in a control that also provides a highly customizable interface.

For complex applications developed in Microsoft Visual Studio 6, make sure you have FarPoint Spread in your toolbox.

What's new in v8 since v7:

New Formula Functions
Ability to create a custom cell
A 64-bit DLL control
Shape and color settings for cell notes
New OCX methods for saving and loading to/from a buffer
New event for circular references
Enhanced appearance
Enhanced appearance for headers and sheet corners
Enhanced appearance for scroll bars
Enhanced appearance for sheet tabs
Enhanced selection highlighting
Additional export options when exporting to HTML
Users can apply a secondary sort using control-click


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